The Healing Zone
Massage by Joette


The Healing Zone provide therapeutic massage to clients that want results. I have over 16 years’ experience, massaging over "10,000 bodies". What have I learned over the years; Most client receive a basic 50-minute maintenance massage once a month with no results? However, massage really works once you commit! Depending on the frequency, duration, and application of technique you will see results.

How long will it take to reduce the hard knots at the base of your neck, trapezius, rhomboids, and lower back muscles? The best results depend on your realistic approach to your wellbeing. First commit to weekly massages. The more massage the better the results. When your knots are reduced then you can start with maintenance massage.

How long will it take for your knots to build back up once they are reduced? Depend on your level of stress, work, and health activity etc. For example, if it takes 6 weeks for your knots to build back up than your maintenance massage will be every 3 weeks. Once you find your zone the healing will begin!!!

Special Offer

One (1) Wellness Massage a month, 60 minutes session with your choice of one upgrade.


Service is available for purchase 1-7th of the month only.

Limited days and hours.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 4433608534
Baltimore, MD 
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